Living Intelligent Universe – Interview with Professor Ervin Laszlo

Aug 29, 2021 | News

Interview with a twice Noble Prize nominee scientist, author, Honorary PhD, Founder-Director of the Laszlo Institute of New Paradigm Research (Italy), and pianist Ervin Laszlo conducted by the General Director of the Association of researchers of the unknown phenomena of nature, cosmos and human abilities Ecology of the Unknown, Timofey Egorov.

The discussion features the following topics:

  • consciousness and evolution of the Universe;
  • humanity on the verge of self-destruction process and possible ways out of the situation;
  • declaration of Love;
  • international social movement for the promotion of peaceful existence in outer space The Ethics of the Cosmos;
  • the Treaty on the Prevention of the Placement of Weapons in Outer Space;
  • what the New Scientific Paradigm should be;
  • music and vibrations of the Universe.