Ervin Laszlo, Docteur d’Etat (Sorbonne) is Director of the Laszlo Institute of New Paradigm Research (Italy), Founder and President of The Club of Budapest, Fellow of the World Academy of Art and Science, Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the International Academy of Philosophy of Science, Senator of the International Medici Academy, and Editor of the international periodical World Futures: The Journal of New Paradigm Research. 

He is the recipient of the Goi Peace Prize (2001), the International Mandir of Peace Prize (2005), the Conacreis Holistic Culture Prize (2009), the Ethics Prize of Milan (2014), and the Luxembourg World Peace Prize (2017). Laszlo is Honorary citizen of the City of Buenos Aires and Honorary Professor of the Buenos Aires Institute of Technology and holds Honorary Ph.D’s from the United States, Canada, Finland, and Hungary.

He is the author or co-author of hundred and one books translated into twenty-four languages. Laszlo was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2004 and 2005.

Ervin Laszlo’s author  website:




Dr. István Teplán is an economic historian, sociologist and educator; educated in Hungary and the USA. He is the President and Co-Founder of the Brussels based PROSUM Foundation. 

He was one of the founders of the Central European University (CEU) and as Executive Vice President he served CEU between 1992 and 2007. He served as the Director General of the Government Center for Public Administration of Hungary, and was a board member of the European Institute of Public Administration.

He was the chief advisor of the State Minister for Environment of Hungary between 2010 -2014. During the Hungarian Presidency of the EU he was the Chair of two EU Council Working Parties on International Environmental Issues and also played a key role in Hungary’s preparation for the UN Conference on Sustainable Development.

He was the founding Director General of the Hungarian National Institute for Environment and served as the appointed Envoy for the Budapest Water Summit, held in October 2013 in Budapest.

He was a Board member of the Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe between 2009-2016. He also was a member of the Management Board of the European Environment Agency (EEA). Dr Teplán is a contributor of several articles and papers to international conferences and journals and taught at several universities.

As a scholar he contributed to the book, Budapest and New York, Studies in Metropolitan Transformation 1870-1930.

Dr. Istvan Teplán is a recipient of the Officers Cross of Merit of the Hungarian Republic.




Gianni has a degree in “Mechanical Engineering” and in “Social Service, Social Policies, Planning and Management of Services”.

He is co-founder of EI4SMART (design and start-up of “Smart Communities”), co-founder of Raise> Up (design of Eco-systems Regeneration) and Associate Partner of Duke & Kay (“Excellence in Management, Performance Improvement, Restructuring & Turnaround “).

Gianni, for more than thirty years he has managed various companies, in Italy and abroad, mainly in the Industrial and ICT Services sectors, covering various top positions, from Function Manager to General Manager and CEO.

In addition to his managerial experience, Gianni has recently dedicated himself to the development of social innovation initiatives, with particular reference to the community welfare and to the collaborative social systems. In this sense, Gianni was co-founder of two Social Promotion Associations, including “The Laszlo Institute of the New Paradigm Research – APS” and President of AMeC – APS (Medicine and Complexity Association). Furthermore, Gianni was co-author of the book “H2H Human Revolution”, dedicated to the research for innovative socio-economic models. Regarding these subjects, Gianni has been a speaker at various conferences in Italy.