of New Paradigm Research
“The evolution of cosmic coherence is the love story of the universe”
The Laszlo Institute researches, develops and communicates the essential aspects of the new way of thinking and acting we need at this critical time: the new paradigm. This site helps the researcher, and everyone interested in the new thinking, to orient themselves in the multiple activities and projects of the Institute, and join in those in which he or she is most interested.
The Laszlo Institute of New Paradigm Research is an ETS (Ente del Terzo Settore or Third Sector Organization, an Italian Non-Profit)
Ervin Laszlo’s introduction to the Laszlo Institute
Research Program at the Laszlo Institute of New Paradigm Research
Latest News
Marti Spiegelman – Indigenous Beliefs – Dawn of an Era of Well-Being Podcast ep. 33
New York, NY – On Monday, October 9, 2023, much of the United States will hold its annual observance of Indigenous Peoples’ Day.
Protestantism with Deborah Rundlett – Dawn of an Era of Well-Being Podcast ep. 32
Today’s episode will focus on the very broad ranging subject of the Protestant Faith with our special guest Deborah Rundlett.
The Great Upshift – Humanity’s Coming Advance Toward Peace and Harmony on the Planet
This vital book leads us beyond today’s crisis – and conflict-prone world to a higher stage of our evolution.
Conference: The Future of Our Children
Overcoming the Illusion of Separateness – The Upshift in Science Healing Ourselves and Humanity by Reconnecting to Our Source *Conversation with Nóra Csiszár – IT and PR Director of the Laszlo Institute
Tapping the Source, A Science and Spirituality Summit
Join us live on July 16th to be a part of a powerful conversation on how our connection to source can change our lives! Featuring an esteemed panel including Ervin Laszlo, Dr. & Master Zhi Gang Sha, Dr. Rulin Xiu and with special guest Deepak Chopra.
Ervin Laszlo’s 90th Birthday
Ervin Laszlo will be celebrating his 90th birthday this year on June 12th. For this occasion, we will have an online celebration on June 13th, Monday from 5:00 to 6:00 PM (CET)* on Zoom and Facebook.
Latest Publications
My Journey book in French
Ervin Laszlo’s My Journey book is available in French NOW!
This post is dedicated to our French speaking audience!
Dans cet ouvrage, Ervin Laszlo revient sur l’histoire de sa vie
The Way Forward
A Ten-Point Roadsign from Science and Spirituality. We are at crossroads. Our choice of the way we take will decide our future, and may determine our destiny. We need scientifically as well as spiritually informed thought and action by a critical mass of awakened and responsible people. The ten-point roadsign that follows is intended to help us to make a wise and responsible choice.
The Uses of Spirituality
by Ervin Laszlo The Laszlo Institute of New Paradigm ResearchFor spiritual people, asking about the use of spirituality is almost like a sacrilege. Spirituality does not have “use”—it does not serve anything but itself.Spirituality could of course serve an end which...
NOW is the time to change the world—now as we emerge from the crises triggered by an aggressive virus, an aggressive political leader, and the irresponsible ravaging of the ecology of the planet. These are crises that shake the world, and they open the way to a new world. ( Dr. Ervin Laszlo )