of New Paradigm Research

“The evolution of cosmic coherence is the love story of the universe”


Your chance to ask a modern-day genius the deeper questions about life, spirituality, consciousness, the nature of reality or anything that science and philosophy might address. We’ll do our best to get your question answered in video format.

The Laszlo Institute researches, develops and communicates the essential aspects of the new way of thinking and acting we need at this critical time: the new paradigm.  This site helps the researcher, and everyone interested in the new thinking, to orient themselves in the multiple activities and projects of the Institute, and join in those in which he or she is most interested.

The Laszlo Institute of New Paradigm Research is an ETS (Ente del Terzo Settore or Third Sector Organization, an Italian Non-Profit)

Ervin Laszlo’s introduction to the Laszlo Institute

Research Program at the Laszlo Institute of New Paradigm Research

Latest News

Dawn of an Era of Well-Being: Season 3 – Podcast

Dawn of an Era of Well-Being: Season 3 – Podcast

The podcast will be dedicated to a focus on religious worldviews in the era of well-being. In executing this particular focus, the producers have invited representatives from an array of faith and belief systems to share their individual perspectives and practices; with a particular concentration on ushering in a new era of well-being.

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From The Age Of Reason To The Age Of The Heart

From The Age Of Reason To The Age Of The Heart

From The Age Of Reason To The Age Of The Heart Thursday September 30 at 6.30 the Geographical Society184 bd St Germain 75006 Paris, France What are the powers of the heart over our brain, our emotions and our consciousness? Does our heart have a greater...

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Latest Publications

The Wisdom Principles

The Wisdom Principles

The Wisdom Principles: A Handbook of Timeless Truths and Timely Wisdom by Ervin Laszlo (Author) By opening this Handbook for wise thinking and living, you open the door to your new identity, because across the threshold there is only the lightness of Being, and...

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My Journey

My Journey

A Life in Quest of the Purpose of Life An Intellectual Spiritual Autobiographyby Ervin Laszlo (Author) TO BE RELEASED in October 2021. This book (My Journey) recounts the principal stations of a life that is far from the ordinary—and already this may prove to be of...

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NOW is the time to change the world—now as we emerge from the crises triggered by an aggressive virus, an aggressive political leader, and the irresponsible ravaging of the ecology of the planet. These are crises that shake the world, and they open the way to a new world. ( Dr. Ervin Laszlo )

ervin laszlo upshift movement