2020 Synergy Superstar Awards

Nov 12, 2020 | Events

Join us on Mon. Nov. 16 at 10 am PT /1 pm ET  for the “2020 Superstar Awards” being presented to Dr. Jean Houston and Dr. Ervin Laszlo by The Source of Synergy Foundation. 

The Wonderful Celebration can be accessed LIVE at:

The Source of Synergy Foundation presents the Synergy Superstar Award to extraordinary individuals who Source the power of Synergy to expand human consciousness, increase our connection with the totality of all in the quantum field and utilize their vast gifts in service to the great evolutionary awakening which sets into motion potent forces of creative transformational change. 

We are honored to bestow the 2020 Synergy Superstar Award upon:


Dr. Jean Houston

for her exemplary work inspiring us to source our highest human capacities 

Dr. Ervin Laszlo

for his exemplary work in supporting us to reconnect to the Source



You are warmly welcome to join live on Zoom at: https://zoom.us/j/9173101722

Password: Synergy

Invite your friends to watch on Facebook at: www.facebook.com/sourceofsynergyfoundation



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