Research Program
The New Paradigm Research Program combines applied research, action-research and transdisciplinary research methodologies. New Paradigm Research explores the domain of full-spectrum enquiry into the nature of manifest reality, drawing upon intellectually robust, academically rigorous, and pragmatically relevant methods of research. These are grounded in the tradition of science by being independently testable, replicable, and accessible without recourse to esoterica while at the same time being open to evidence not necessarily derived from empirical, positivistic, or reductionistic approaches.
The spirit of New Paradigm Research fosters whole system engagement with manifest reality and the substructures that underlie it, promoting transdisciplinarity and the capability to use the full range of human meaning-making capacity to explore and make sense of our world.
The principal Research Areas of the Laszlo Institute
World Futures
The Journal of New Paradigm Research
Publishes research aimed at developing the new paradigm of cosmos, life, consciousness and society emerging at the cutting edge of contemporary research.