Fabio Burigana


Maria Sagi


Alfonso Montuori

Alessandro PIzzoccaro

Nitamo Montecucco

Fabio Burigana

Fabio Burigana


Dr. Fabio Burigana MD specialist in Gastroenterology.  For many years he has been studying a systemic view in biology and medicine

He has written articles on this topic and participated in international conferences
Maria Sagi

Maria Sagi


Mária Sági, a native of Budapest, began her career as a classical pianist and turned subsequently to the study of medicine and psychology, specializing in personality theory, deep psychology, social psychology and the psychology of music. She received her Ph.D. in psychology at the Eötvös Lóránd Science University of Budapest, and after seven years research she received her C.Sc. degree of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. She is a former Research Associate and Scientific Secretary of Institute for Culture and Sociological Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. A leading member of the Club of Budapest since its inception in 1993, Dr. Sági currently serves as Science Director of the Club. 

Mária Sági is the author and co-author of eleven books and some hundred and fifty articles and research papers on topics as varied as social and personality psychology, the psychology of music and art and information medicine, some published in English, French, German, Italian and Japanese. 

She has done extensive research on the psychology of art: how music is reproduced through associations with color and form in painting, as well as on the Hungarian folk-dance movement, theatre, and cultural trends and values. Her books Aesthetics and Personality and Culture and Personality are frequently referenced in Hungarian research organizations. Creativity in Music, her book co-authored with Prof. Iván Vitányi, states the results of her experimental research work in a 9-volume treatise treating the investigation of generative ability in various segments of the Hungarian people.

Dr. Sági’s professional experience includes co-directing the sociological survey of Hungarian families for the International Sociological Association, directing the European Perspectives Research on European Identity Project of United Nations University as well as research on the Transition to Global Society of the same University and serving as the Hungarian coordinator of EUROCIRCON, the European Culture Impact Research Consortium. (The results of the survey were published in World Futures, The Journal of General Evolution, in 1994.)



Prof. Carlo Ventura, is MD, Cardiologist, and Ph.D. in Biochemistry. He was Researcher at the “Laboratory of Cardiovascular Science”, N.I.A./N.I.H., Baltimore, MD, U.S.A. from 1988 to 1992, and then for repeated periods until 1994.

He is Full Professor of Molecular Biology at the School of Medicine of the University of Bologna, Italy, and Chief of the National Laboratory of Molecular Biology and Stem Cell Engineering of the National Institute of Biostructures and Biosystems (NIBB – INBB) – ELDOR LAB, at the Innovation Accelerators of CNR (National Research Council), in Bologna.

Carlo Ventura is member of the American Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB), and of the Cell Transplant Society. He discovered nuclear endorphin receptors and small peptide signaling responsible for cardiogenesis in mouse embryonic stem cells, paving the way to the new field of “intracrine” regulation of cell biology.

He developed new molecules harboring differentiating and paracrine logics for cardiovascular regeneration. He found that “extremely-low frequency” and asymmetrically-conveyed radioelectric fields were able to enhance stem cell expression of pluripotency, and afford a direct reprogramming of human skin fibroblasts towards myocardial, neuronal and skeletal muscle lineages.

He has also discovered that cells are sensitive to acoustic vibrations and patented the cell ability to express “vibrational” signatures of their health and differentiating potential. These findings opened a new perspective based upon the use of
physical energy in stem cell science.

He published more than 150 full papers in the top journals of cellular and molecular biology.

Alfonso Montuori

Alfonso Montuori

Professor in the Transformative Inquiry Department at California Institute of Integral Studies. Born of an Italian father and Dutch mother, Alfonso was born in Holland, and grew up trilingual, and lived in Lebanon, Greece, and England before moving to the United States in 1983 after graduating from the University of London. Alfonso is the author of several books and numerous articles on creativity, complexity, social change and education. Alfonso consults on creativity and leadership development.

Alessandro Pizzoccaro

Alessandro Pizzoccaro


Founder and CEO of Guna – Milano, Italian leader in Low dose Medicines

Former President of ANIPRO, the Industrial Association of Homeopathic Companies
Author of several publications  in the social-health field
Nitamo Montecucco

Nitamo Montecucco

Dr. Nitamo Federico Montecucco (MD. PhD.) is the Director of the Institute of Neuropsychosomatics. He is a researcher in neuroscience and psychosomatic therapy.

Since 1999 he is Professor of psychosomatics for the Masters in Complementary Medicines of the faculty of medicine at the University of Milan, collaborating Center of Complementary Medicine of WHO (World Health Organization).

Nitamo is also Professor at the Sapienza University of Rome and visiting professor of neuropsicosomatic at the University of Pavia, University of Novara, University of Chieti, University of Arezzo, University of Verona, University of Cagliari and the University of Sassari.

Since 1994, following the directives of UN Agenda 2030, and WHO, he has applied his “Psychosomatic Mindfulness Protocol” (PMP) and “Gaia Project” to global health and consciousness education on a national scale, reaching to over 36.000 persons throughout Italy. The Gaia Project has been accredited by the Italian Ministry of Education, funded by University and Research, and by the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies, and sustained by the UNESCO Club of Lucca.

He leads experiments on brain coherence, as a measure of psychosomatic integrity, studying normal peoples versus sick people (stressed, depressed, anxious, etc.) and meditators.

He publishes books and articles on Italian and English scientific magazine and broadcasts on BBC, Swiss and Italian television networks.