New Paradigm Policy Sciences covers the area of collective self-determination at all levels of societal organization.  Increasing evidence for and recognition of the interdependence of human decision making structures suggests a fundamentally fractal ontology of relational forms.  This area explores the policy implications of this new landscape of relational forms and the profound implications it holds for the evolutionary guidance function of our species.



The macro-political issues of Public Governance Policy are concerned with themes of societal development and participation in the narrative of the management of our collective presence on Earth.  From issues of the governance of the collective commons to those of civic participation, this area explores how the emerging understanding of the interdependence of being, the interrelation of decisions, and the interpenetration thoughts and actions that evoke a new panorama for the informed self-determination of our species.


The micro-political issues of Private Enterprise Policy are concerned with the creation of viable organizational forms and, beyond that, with how such forms express an underlying narrative of wealth creation.  Inquiry in this research domain is dedicated to exploring the emerging understanding of subtle connections that bind organizational behavior and inform policy decision taking at the enterprise level.