SLS 2021 – Alexander Laszlo – Co-creating the Systems we want to See in the World

Mar 21, 2021 | Events

On 19 January 2021, as part of the Systemic Leadership Summit 2021 hosted by Jennifer Campbell, the Director of Research here at the Laszlo Institute was interviewed on the topic of Co-creating the Systems we want To See in the World


In this lively and interactive interview, Alexander Laszlo shares his views on the challenge of life in a VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) world.  Together with his host, he first explores our role in co-creating sustainable or even thrivable systems within the bigger context of the eco-system of our planet. Then they consider the capacities we need to have as individuals, leaders, and organizations to co-creating the systems we want to see in the world.  With a focus on how systems thinking and a systemic approach to leadership can help us see the systems as they are now, the interview presents frameworks and practices that can move us toward being truly effective and affective co-creators of change.

The complementary slide-set associated with this interview can be downloaded here: 

In addition, here are a couple of resources that might be of interest to those wishing to follow-up on certain aspects of the interview:

Practices that Ensoul the Cosmos: Expressions of Connectedness 

Living Systems, Seeing Systems, Being Systems: Learning to Be the Systems We Wish to See in the World 

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