The Upshift – Meeting the Challenge
In the UpShift: Meeting the Challenge philosopher and system theorist Ervin Laszlo answers the question that’s on everyone’s mind: How do we build a better, post-pandemic world while honoring the most cherished values and achievements of our past?
by Ervin Laszlo (Author)
TO BE RELEASED – February 22, 2022.
The pandemic made it clear that we are all in the same boat —we are one people with one destiny. It also made clear that our boat is leaking and in need of urgent repair. The international community is waking up to the need to carry out the repairs, but carrying them out in practice doesn’t depend on the declaration of leaders but on the will of of the people: of a critical mass of the people. It depends on you and I. Do we are undestand what is at stake, and what it is that we can—and therefore must—do about it? Realizing this decides whether we will shift up or let ourselves shift down. Because if we don’t shift up, we shall surely end up shifting down.
Shifting up is feasible. This books makes clear what is involved, and how we can each contribute to building a world where all can live and thrive. A world where the sword of Damocles of deepening crises is lifted from above our head.
Join the movement for an Upshift. It is your life and your world that are at stake.. More about on
“Ervin Laszlo offers a road map for liberation from suffering that satisfies our deepest yearnings. It’s scientific and spiritual at the same time.“
Deepak Chopra, MD
“For decades Ervin László has taught a generation of thought leaders how to understand the problems of our contemporary civilization. In The Upshift – Thriving on Planet Earth he articulates more powerfully than ever before how to solve them. Despite our challenges there are reasons for positivity and hope, and this book provides them in abundant supply.“
Marianne Williamson
bestselling author, political activist and spiritual thought leader.
Co-founder of The Peace Alliance
“The Upshift: Responsible Living on Planet Earth is a perfect blend of rock-solid science, spiritual philosophy, and common sense woven into a practical guide to life in the post- pandemic world!”
Gregg Braden,
Author of The Wisdom Codes
“Your book, right now here today, is THE MOST important book out there. It’s a blueprint. It’s not necessarily easy being the change you want to see in the world — it takes some very conscious decisions. But your book is SO important for people today. I cannot thank you enough.“
Michael Sandler,
Host of The Inspire Nation Show
TO BE RELEASED – February 22, 2022.
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The Great Upshift – Humanity’s Coming Advance Toward Peace and Harmony on the Planet
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The Survival Imperative: Upshifting to Conscious Evolution
Ervin Laszlo’s newest book The Survival Imperative is a guide to returning peace and harmony to the planet.
The New Paradigm in Cosmology – The Book
The New Paradigm in Cosmology – New eBook Release by the Laszlo Institute and the AITIA Institute! This book compiled and edited by Richard Blum is based on the second Online Global Symposium of The New Paradigm Symposia Series sponsored by the AITIA Institute and the Laszlo Institute of New Paradigm Research.