Reloading Day 1
Reloading Day 2
Stage-setting perspective and provocation
HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS (as differentiated from cosmic consciousness*) can be generally understood as a form of awakened awareness raised to reflective knowing. As such, self-awareness is a more diffuse or less acute form of self-consciousness.
* In new paradigm science, notions of the quantum vacuum, zero-point energy field, plenum, Akashic field, ether, and Implicate Order are all expressions of a deeper dimension of consciousness that transcends, includes, and informs human consciousness.
To what extent does science consider CONSCIOUSNESS as more of an “aspect” or “component” of the universe, and therefore more part of the structure of reality?
– and –
To what extent does spirituality consider SENTIENCE as more of a “quintessence” or “qualia” of being, and therefore more an embodiment of connection and presence?
As such, these aspects pertain to distinct domains or dimensions of experience
- Cognitive: reflective awareness – consciousness – knowing
- Intuitive: non-conceptual prehension – sentience – being
Consciousness. To be aware of existence and separation from and/or connection to/with all others.
Self awareness. To be cognizant of how we and why we think and react the way we do
with a realization that ego distortion is involved to some degree.
Sentience. To be able to sense or perceive what is or seems to be.
~ following Chad C. Snyder
The Challenge:
How do the similarities and differences of these terms inform our capacity to human well?
Daily Schedule
Saturday, May 14
Sentience and Consciousness in Wisdom Traditions (Daoism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity, Judaism, Baháʼí Faith, Islam, and Perennial Wisdom Traditions of Indigenous Peoples) as described here.
Start: 16:00 – 16:15 (CET)
Welcome by Ervin Laszlo PhD President, Györgyi Szabo PhD Executive Director, and Alexander Laszlo PhD Director of Research.
16:15 – 17:45
- Daoism – Fred Tsao
- Hinduism – Hema Vyas
- Islam – Safi Kaskas
- Judaism – David Geffen
17:45 – 18:05 | Q&A with Speakers
18:05 – 18:20 | Sound Sentience through the Voice of Your Soul with Chloë Goodchild
18:20 – 19:50
- Christianity – Laurence Freeman
- Buddhism – Zoltan Cser
- Baháʼí Faith – Elena Mustakova-Possardt
- Indigenous – Marti Spiegelman
19:50 – 20:10 | Q&A with Speakers
20:10 – 20:25 | Breakout Rooms
20:25 – 20:30 | Wrap-up and prep for Day 2
Ervin Laszlo
Opening of the Sentience & Consciousness symposium
Alexander Laszlo & Györgyi Szabó
Introduction to Sentience & Consciousness
in Wisdom Traditions
Frederick Tsao
Hema Vyas
Rabbi David Geffen
Safi Kaskas
Father Lawrence Freeman
Chloe Goodchild
Vocal exercise
Reflections and Q&A with Fred Tsao, Hema Wyas, Alexander Laszlo, Györgyi Szabó
Zoltan Cser
Elena Mustakova
Baháʼí Faith
Marti Spiegelman
Reflections and Q&A with M. Spiegelman, E. Mustakova, Z. Cser + Closing of Day 1
The Evolution of Sentience and Consciousness, and the Future of Humanity as described here
Start 16.00-16.10 CET
Welcome and orientation Györgyi Szabo and Alexander Laszlo
18:00- 18:20 | Q&A with Speakers
18:20 – 18:35 | The Beauty Sound of Sentience with Derek Washington
All Symposium Speaker Roundtable
18:35 – 19:40
Toward a New Paradigm in Sentience & Consciousness dialogue among all speakers from Day 1 and Day 2 moderated by Alexander Laszlo and Györgyi Szabo.
19:40 – 20:00 | Breakout Rooms
20:00 – 20:15 | Audience comments and reflections, movement, silence, and Interbeing.
20:15 – 20:30 | Summary and conclusion of symposium with Ervin Laszlo, Györgyi Szabo and Alexander Laszlo and live flute music ending.
Alexander Laszlo
Introduction to Day 2 of the Symposium
David Lorimer
Evolution of Consciousness & the Future of Humanity
Anne Baring
Visionary Experience
Pavel Luksha
Evolution of Consciousness & Conscious Evolution; Learning to Human Well
Jude Currivan
Our Moment of Choice; Cosmology of a Conscious and Evolutionary Universe
Thomas Hübl
Collective Trauma
Q&A Session
with David Lorimer, Pavel Luksha, Thomas Hübl, Jude Currivan, Anne Baring
Derek Washington
‘You Are Beautiful’ Live Performance
Panel Discussion
with all the speakers of the symposium
Ervin Laszlo
Closing & Reflections on the symposium
Closing ceremony of the symposium
The event is free of charge, however we have ongonig running costs and expenses, so please consider making a donation in our shared interest.
Speakers of the Symposium
Founder and President
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He is the author or co-author of hundred and one books translated into twenty-four languages. Laszlo was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2004 and 2005.
Gyorgyi currently serves as the Executive Director at the Laszlo Institute of New Paradigm Research and as the Dean of Graduate Studies at Ubiquity University.
Director of Research, the Laszlo Institute
President, the Bertalanffy Center for the Study of Systems Science
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He is on the Editorial Boards of eleven internationally arbitered research journals, recipient of the Gertrude Albert Heller Award, the Sir Geoffrey Vickers Memorial Award, and the Förderpreis Akademischer Klub award, author of over 100 journal, book and encyclopedia publications, and a 6th Degree Black Belt in traditional Taekwon-do. Born in Fribourg, Switzerland, he is holder of a PhD in the interdisciplinary field of Science and Technology Policy from the University of Pennsylvania from where he also received his MA in History and Sociology of Science. His BA is from Haverford College, with a major in International and Comparative Political Science and a minor in Human Physiology.
Founder/CEO, OCTAVE Institute
Chairman, IMC Pan Asia Alliance Group
Permanent Honorary President, FBN Pacific Asia Chapter
Ancient Chinese Cosmology
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He later founded Family Business Network Asia and served on the board of Family Business Network International, where he inspired the exploration of family businesses’ role within the global system. Fred founded East West Cultural Development Centre in Singapore in 1995 to research on sustainability and modernity. His exploration into Eastern Wisdom led him to focus on Chinese esoteric traditions and Western quantum science. Both are paradigms of conscientiousness and evolution.
Fred has since published over 30 books in Chinese, concluding that we are amidst a major consciousness shift and at the dawn of a new era of wellbeing. He advocates that business should transform and reform our era. For this, he founded OCTAVE Institute, a comprehensive integrated life journey approach towards wellbeing.
In 2019, Fred co-authored “Quantum Leadership, New Consciousness in Business” with Chris Laszlo, published by Stanford University Press. Fred also contributed a piece titled “Reconnecting to the Source in the Mirror of Chinese Culture” to the book by Ervin Laszlo titled “Reconnecting to the Source” published by St. Martin’s Press in 2020.
He is a co-founder of East West University, Chicago, IL; and was elected as President of its Board of Directors from 1979 – 2005. He continues to serve on its board as an ex officio. He is the Founder and President of Strategic Edge Management Consultants, Dr. Kaskas helped many mid-level and large corporations successfully develop their business portfolios. His consultant firm focused on strategic development within the health care industry and founded the American Strategic Healthcare Management Company (ASHM) which is active in the healthcare field in Jeddah, Saudi Arabic.
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Dr. Kaskas translated and published the Qur’an into simple easy to understand English in January 2015 and published The Qur’an with references to the Bible in January2016. This book has 3000 references to the Old and the New Testaments.
Dr. Kaskas is the founder and President of the International Qur’an Research Association IQRA’
- 1990: Worked in computer engineering at Israel Aircraft Industries
- 2000: Rabbinical Ordination from Aish Jerusalem and co-founded Aish UK
- 2012: Founded Common Denominator – Israeli communal conflict resolution & unity building present: Founded
Loving Classroom/World – Global education and projects to build a loving world See and LovingClassroom.Training for online teacher training.
* L. E. – Love Engineer
Singing philosopher, vocalist, teacher, author, founder of the naked voice
Chloë is the founder of The Naked Voice, a pioneering experiential vocal training programme, providing a sound awareness toolkit of conscious core practices, music, audio-books and spoken meditations that empower you to find and to embody your authentic voice. The Naked Voice Charitable Foundation was established in 2004, to disseminate a deeper awareness of the essential role conscious communication plays in strengthening ethical awareness, social health and well-being in all realms of human life. Chloë’s seminal book, The Naked Voice – Transform Your Life through the Power of Sound (North Atlantic Books) was published in 2015.
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Chloë’s Podcast series, the VOCE Dialogues – Voices of Compassionate Evolution launched in 2019. It explores and celebrates the transformative impact of compassion, with new paradigm teachers, musicians, authors, artists, social activists, new scientists, and entrepreneurs, who are making a difference in the world.
Chloë sings, teaches, performs and records on her NakedVoiceMusic label. She is also a presenter and author for Sounds True Audiobooks; and The Shift Network. Her music is available from Amazon, Spotify and Apple.
Laurence Freeman
Monk and Teacher
Director of The World Community for Christian Meditation
Fr. Laurence Freeman is a monk of the Benedictine Congregation of Monte Oliveto Maggiore. His is the director and spiritual guide of the World Community for Christian Meditation. John Main was his teacher and Fr. Laurence assisted him in establishing the foundations of the Community. Fr. Laurence is the author of a number of books on Christian Meditation. He travels extensively giving presentations and leading Christian Meditation Retreats.
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Marti Spiegelman
Marti holds a BA in biochemistry from Harvard University, an MFA in graphic design from the Yale School of Art and Architecture, and has advanced training in neurophysiology, psychology, and anthropology. She was president of her own graphic design firm for 20 years. She is founder of Shaman’s Light™, a professional training program dedicated to the creation of abundance through evolved consciousness and passion-based work. She serves as a Fellow to REX, the Relationship Economy eXpedition founded by Jerry Michalski.
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She was named the 2010 Cambridge Registry Executive Professional of the Year for her work in applying the principles of consciousness to the evolution of business and environmental action, and she was a presenter at TEDx Berkeley 2011. Marti is also a member of the Content Evolution™ federation of business advisors, where she is working with business colleagues to develop groundbreaking methodologies for raising the level of consciousness in the practice, organization, and evolution of business, finance, and governance worldwide.
The Dream of the Cosmos: a New Cosmology.
Anne Baring b. 1931. MA Oxon. PhD (Hons) in Wisdom Studies Ubiquity University 2018. Jungian Analyst, author and co-author of 7 books including, with Jules Cashford, The Myth of the Goddess; Evolution of an Image; with Andrew Harvey, The Mystic Vision and The Divine Feminine; with Dr. Scilla Elworthy, Soul Power: an Agenda for a Conscious Humanity. Her most recent book The Dream of the Cosmos: A Quest for the Soul (2013, updated and reprinted 2020) was awarded the Scientific and Medical Network Book Prize for 2013. The ground of all her work is a deep interest in the spiritual, mythological, shamanic and artistic traditions of different cultures. Her website is devoted to the affirmation of a new vision of reality and the issues facing us at this crucial time of choice.
Founder of Global Education Futures
Co-Founder of Learning Planet
Professor at the Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO
Creating global learning ecosystems for societal transformation
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The Cosmic Hologram: a cosmology of a conscious and evolutionary Universe
Mysticism and the principles that guide the actualization and practice of embodying these profound experiences are at the heart of Hübl’s teachings. In all his courses, participants can expect to learn from his extensive experience as a teacher of meditation and study of wisdom traditions. His didactic talks draw from evidence-based research and the leading edge of transpersonal, interdisciplinary studies.
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Since 2019, Hübl has hosted an annual summit on collective trauma, which has brought together more than one hundred speakers and 108,000 participants from more than 100 countries. He leads workshops and training programs at Harvard Medical School, California Institute of Integral Studies, Mobius Institute, Ubiquity University, Science and Nonduality Conference, and the Garrison Institute. Hübl has co-taught courses with William Ury, bestselling author of Getting to Yes.
Derek Herewolf Washington
Beauty’s Rogue Permissionary Bishop
Derek Washington, MDiv, BSHS, is an aesthangelist – an extoller of Beauty and its invitation into the new paradigm. He is a poet-bard and a new paradigm storyteller. He is a graduate of the Sacred Art of Living and Dying, and the Anam Cara Apprenticeship. His music, poetry and stories engage the breaking of old paradigm enchantments with the resonance of Regenerative Intimacy – Life loving to be lived by those loving to live life.
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As a former Episcopal priest and hospice counselor Derek listened to the deathbed heartache of unattained intimacy and dreams never reached for, before expanding beyond his inherited faith story to support communities toward regenerative intimacy in the new paradigm. Having traveled the world to tend missionary hearts aching for the very intimacy they proclaimed, he began to dance with the regenerative cycle of generosity to gratitude to generativity to re-generosity.
He now writes, composes and travels to share stories of a new paradigm morality where holiness has permission to invite intimacy beyond gender, where Beauty woos longing and holds the preeminent role. The sacred sensual nature of his poetry speaks to the expression of desire finding form through tenderness, consent, compersion and holiness, beyond conformity to a morality ensconced in the old paradigm. He lives with unapologetic invitation as a Tender and Evocateur of Beauty in the new paradigm.
The event is free of charge, however we have ongonig running costs and expenses, so please consider making a donation in our shared interest.
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We are thrilled to have brought together so many thought and action leaders from around the world. Many new ideas, trends, opportunities and solutions emerged. Let’s continue our exchanges and brain-storming, heart-speaking, hand-engaging!
Here you can find recorded speeches and photos to share. The talks from the event will be individually uploaded to the Laszlo Institute’s YouTube channel very soon, so don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube Channel for notifications when the videos appear.