Dawn of an Era of Well-Being

A program that is dedicated to helping us find knowledge and comfort at a time when an atmosphere of confusion has become so pervasive.

Season 2, Episode 21 – 78 min

Dr Eben Alexander & Karen Newell

Jan 25, 2023

Could it be that the universal realization of our spirituality will serve as the catalyst for a new era for the evolution of humanity? Might this be the key that unlocks the door to that “era of well-being” which Ervin and Fred have been heralding through their work? And more to the point of today’s program, how can Near Death Experiences (NDEs) and paranormal activity provide us with information about the spiritual realm?
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Presented and Hosted by

Dr. Ervin Laszlo

Frederick Tsao


Alison Goldwyn

Produced by

Kenichi Sugihara, Nora Csiszar,
Tai Sook Yee, Alison Goldwyn

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About This Episode

EPISODE N. 21 | In today’s podcast we are joined by Eben Alexander and Karen Newell, best-selling authors and co-authors of several books, including Proof of Heaven, Living in a Mindful Universe, and The Map of Heaven. Karen is also founder of Sacred Acoustics, a therapeutic program utilizing audio signals embedded in recordings to help calm the mind to reduce anxiety and stress and improve sleep and focus. Dr. Alexander is a well-known neurosurgeon and the survivor of his own NDE from 2008. In this, so to speak, report from the afterlife, Eben and Karen speak eloquently about how NDEs and paranormal experiences provide us with valuable information regarding spirituality and the relation of the spiritual to our physical lives here on planet earth.
From this information, we are also provided with information about the meaning life, and of death. It also raises questions concerning the maintenance of our spiritual health? And what does it mean to live forever?


DR EBEN ALEXANDER: After decades as a physician and teacher at Harvard Medical School and elsewhere, renowned academic neurosurgeon Dr. Eben Alexander thought he knew how the brain, mind, and consciousness worked. A transcendental Near-Death Experience (NDE) during a week-long coma from an inexplicable brain infection changed all of that – completely. Memories of his life had been completely deleted, yet he awoke with memories of a fantastic odyssey deep into another realm –more real than this earthly one!
Since his 2008 NDE he has been reconciling his rich spiritual experience with contemporary physics and cosmology. We are conscious in spite of our brain. By probing deeply into our own consciousness, we transcend the limits of the human brain, and of the physical-material realm. His story offers a crucial key to the understanding of reality and human consciousness.
A pioneering scientist and thought leader in consciousness studies, Dr. Alexander has been a guest on Dr. Oz, Oprah, and many other media programs. His most recent book, Living in a Mindful Universe: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Heart of Consciousness (co-authored with Karen Newell), has garnered accolades from many scientists around the world who study the mind-body question and the nature of consciousness. His earlier books, Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Afterlife and The Map of Heaven: How Science, Religion, and Ordinary People Are Proving the Afterlife, have collectively spent more than two years atop the New York Times and international bestseller lists.

KAREN NEWELL: As an innovator in the emerging field of brainwave entrainment audio meditation, Karen Newell, co-founder of Sacred Acoustics, empowers others in their journeys of self-discovery. Using Sacred Acoustics recordings, she teaches how to connect to inner guidance, achieve inspiration, improve wellness and develop intuition. In her search for answers to fundamental questions, it became clear that direct experience is crucial to full understanding. To bolster her strong sense of inner knowing and alignment with her higher nature, she enrolled in a series of hands-on experiential courses to investigate and develop such skills as lucid dreaming, astral travel, telepathy, remote viewing, self-hypnosis, and different forms of energy healing.
She developed a facile expertise in living through daily connection with universal consciousness using heart awareness as a central element. At international workshops presented with best-selling author Dr. Eben Alexander, Karen demonstrates key practices of consciousness exploration: heart awareness, intention, maintaining neutrality, emotional management and cultivating internal knowing. She is co-author with Dr. Alexander of their latest book, Living in a Mindful Universe: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Heart of Consciousness.

Thank you for listening to Dawn of an Era of Well-Being: The Podcast. Please subscribe to the program as we have more guests joining Ervin, Fred and Alison for more fascinating conversation. If you enjoyed our program, here are a few links that may be of further interest:




Please visit the SelectBooks Studios YouTube channel for episodes and bonus video material.

The book Dawn of an Era of Well-Being: New Paths to a Better World by Ervin Laszlo and Frederick Tsao is available wherever books or e-books are sold including Amazon and Barnes & Noble.


dr ervin laszlo
Ervin Laszlo is a Hungarian philosopher of science, systems theorist, integral theorist (and originally a concert pianist) who has published about 75 books and over 400 papers. An advocate of the theory of quantum consciousness, Laszlo has a PhD from the Sorbonne and is the recipient of four honorary PhD’s (from the United States, Canada, Finland, and Hungary). His many awards and distinctions include the Peace Prize of Japan, the Goi Award (Tokyo 2002), the International Mandir of Peace Prize (Assisi 2005), and nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize (2004 and 2005). Ervin Laszlo spent his childhood in Budapest, Hungary. He was a celebrated child prodigy on the piano, with public appearances from the age of nine. Receiving a Grand Prize at the inter- national music competition in Geneva, he was allowed to leave Hungary and begin an international concert career, first in Europe and then in America. He is a member of numerous scientific bodies, including the Inter- national Academy of Science, the World Academy of Arts and Science, the International Academy of Philosophy of Science, and the International Medici Academy. He was elected member of the Hungarian Academy of Science in 2010. ervinlaszlobooks.com
fred tsao
Frederick Tsao is the fourth-generation leader of IMC Pan Asia Alliance Group, born in the East and educated in the West. He became chairman in 1995 and transformed the family business from a traditional shipping company to a multinational conglomerate. With more than 40 years’ experience as an entrepreneur, Fred has worked successfully with business partners and governments in multiple markets across diverse cultures. Not afraid to push boundaries, as Chairman of Intercargo, Fred repositioned the dry bulk industry from a shipper to one that plays a role within the global supply chain. Fred has published over 30 books in Chinese, concluding that we are amidst a major consciousness shift and at the dawn of a new era. He advocates that business should transform and reform our era. For this, he founded OCTAVE Institute, a comprehensive integrated life journey approach towards well-being. In 2019, Fred co-authored “Quantum Leadership, New Consciousness in Business” with Chris Laszlo, published by Stanford University Press. Fred also contributed a piece titled “Reconnecting to the Source in the Mirror of Chinese Culture” to the book by Ervin Laszlo titled “Reconnecting to the Source” published by St. Martin’s Press in 2020.



Alison Goldwyn
Alison Goldwyn is an Edutainment Producer & Climate Alchemist, engaging Media & the Creative Arts to help change the worldwide Emotional Climate – root of Climate Change and virtually all our global ills. Alison believes that the gaping hole in our global whole is due, in part, to a disconnect from Soul… and that Civilisation’s healthy maturation hinges on rekindling this timeless connection. In 2020 she co-produced the 4 day Source of Wonder online event featuring 80 Presenters & Artists from diverse global sectors. Alison is in her 34th year of party planning Synchronistory®; an interstellar, music- propelled, globally broadcast “B’earthday Party” for the Planet celebrating every living being! She is affiliated with Al Gore / The Climate Reality Project, Ervin Laszlo / The Club of Budapest, global governance platform Simpol (Simultaneous Policy) … and the Cosmos.


Interview with Prof Ervin Laszlo

Generating Soul-our Power for a Brighter World (Music Video)

Human Being in Search of Meaning (Source of Wonder)


dawn of an era of well-being - the book
Humankind is facing monumental challenges—the sustainability of our natural resources, climate change, wealth inequalities, breakdowns in social structures, the impact of artificial intelligence, and of course the threat of pandemics. What we need to understand is that with each of these challenges is an opportunity to create a better future for our Earth. But first we need to open our eyes and understand how the old “normal”—the conventions and assumptions about how our systems work—are no longer sustainable. Change is going to occur, and a “new normal” is not simply necessary; it is imminent.

The authors of Dawn of An Era of Well-Being offer a unique worldview called the “quantum paradigm” that is emerging in society. Their concepts and principles are drawn from theories of Western science and Eastern wisdom traditions of human spirituality. These compass points for navigating the uncharted waters we are entering will be of interest to all who want to find a path to a better world. In this critical work authors Ervin Laszlo and Frederick Tsao are joined by several contributors including Deepak Chopra, Jean Houston, Neale Donald Walsch, and other well-known thought leaders.

The book Dawn of an Era of Well-Being: New Paths to a Better World by Ervin Laszlo and Frederick Tsao is available wherever books or e-books are sold including Amazon and Barnes & Noble.