of New Paradigm Research
“The evolution of cosmic coherence is the love story of the universe”
The Laszlo Institute researches, develops and communicates the essential aspects of the new way of thinking and acting we need at this critical time: the new paradigm. This site helps the researcher, and everyone interested in the new thinking, to orient themselves in the multiple activities and projects of the Institute, and join in those in which he or she is most interested.
The Laszlo Institute of New Paradigm Research is an ETS (Ente del Terzo Settore or Third Sector Organization, an Italian Non-Profit)
Ervin Laszlo’s introduction to the Laszlo Institute
Research Program at the Laszlo Institute of New Paradigm Research
Latest News
New Research project by Shae Brown
This research project is focused on the educational curriculum design required for the teaching and learning of relational complexity competence.
Such competence includes perceiving, thinking with, embodied knowing, and acting through an understanding of complex phenomena as co-generative and participatory.
New Research Project by Jessica Ashe and Himdad A. Muhammad!
Kurdistan Region Iraq (KRI) Teacher Up-Take of Student-Centered and/or Flipped Classroom Approach
A Message from Ervin Laszlo: Humanity’s Sacred Mission – 5 Point Upshift Manifesto.
Project for Apprehending and Advancing Humanity’s Sacred Mission. The religions and spiritual traditions often speak of the mission of humanity, and claim that we have a sacred or divine obligation to pursue it.
The Earthkeeper’s Summit 2023
Ervin Laszlo will be participating in the annual Earthkeeper’s Summit 2023. This event is an incredible opportunity to get inspired and find new ways to give back to the Earth.
Ervin Laszlo keynote speaker at third annual HeartMath Institute Global Coherence Initiative virtual event
Ervin Laszlo keynote speaker at third annual HeartMath Institute Global Coherence Initiative virtual event. Unleashing the Power of Collective Heart Intention: Manifesting a New Era of Care, Compassion and a Cooperative World. 1 – 2 April 2023.
Holistic Information Medicine – The Course
We are happy to share with you and our community of energy healers and spiritual seekers a brand-new, one-of-a-kind course with Dr. Mária Sági who is on the scientific advisory board of the Laszlo Institute. It is a course in “Holistic Information Medicine”, endorsed among others by Dr Ervin Laszlo and Dr. Bruce Lipton.
Latest Publications
The Great Upshift – Humanity’s Coming Advance Toward Peace and Harmony on the Planet
This vital book leads us beyond today’s crisis – and conflict-prone world to a higher stage of our evolution.
The Survival Imperative: Upshifting to Conscious Evolution
Ervin Laszlo’s newest book The Survival Imperative is a guide to returning peace and harmony to the planet.
The New Paradigm in Cosmology – The Book
The New Paradigm in Cosmology – New eBook Release by the Laszlo Institute and the AITIA Institute! This book compiled and edited by Richard Blum is based on the second Online Global Symposium of The New Paradigm Symposia Series sponsored by the AITIA Institute and the Laszlo Institute of New Paradigm Research.
NOW is the time to change the world—now as we emerge from the crises triggered by an aggressive virus, an aggressive political leader, and the irresponsible ravaging of the ecology of the planet. These are crises that shake the world, and they open the way to a new world. ( Dr. Ervin Laszlo )