of New Paradigm Research

“The evolution of cosmic coherence is the love story of the universe”

ASK ERVIN. Your chance to ask a modern-day genius the deeper questions about life, spirituality, consciousness, the nature of reality or anything that science and philosophy might address. We’ll do our best to get your question answered in video format.

Ervin Laszlo wishes you a Happy Holiday Season

Ervin Laszlo’s introduction to the Laszlo Institute

The Laszlo Institute researches, develops and communicates the essential aspects of the new way of thinking and acting we need at this critical time: the new paradigm.  This site helps the researcher, and everyone interested in the new thinking, to orient themselves in the multiple activities and projects of the Institute, and join in those in which he or she is most interested.

The Laszlo Institute of New Paradigm Research is an ETS (Third Sector Organization, an Italian Non-Profit)

Research Program at the Laszlo Institute of New Paradigm Research

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