The Akashic Experience
“The 20 accounts make fascinating reading, testifying to the fact that we are subtly yet effectively linked with each other, with nature, and with the cosmos. It inspires solidarity, love, empathy, and a sense of responsibility for each other and the environment. These are ineluctable elements of the mind-set we need to pull out of the global crisis that threatens our world and to create peace and sustainability on this perilously ravaged planet.”, March 2009
“… truly ground breaking in its attempt to give a measure of organization to the known and some sense of identity to the unknown. The human language, as it presently exists, simply does not have the eloquence to deal with the ‘thought downloads’ that we are dealing with in this sphere of experience.”
Zareen Khan, New Age Journal, May 2009
“Laszlo sees hope in the expanding horizons of scientific research and adds a note on his own experience of the infinite Akasha.”
Nexus New Times Magazine, Vol. 16, No. 4, June-July, 2009
“Laszlo has really delivered with this collection of varied experiences of the Akashic Field. It is reassuring to know that there are a lot of people out there willing to open their minds to new methods of thinking and perception, guiding us along the uncertain path we now walk, on the one side faith in the unknown, the uncertain; onthe other, solid scientific evidence. Up ahead the two shall meet and become one, and this reviewer hopes humanity one day comes to bathe in the shining light.”
Chard Currie, New Dawn, No. 116, Sep/Oct 2009
“Laszlo provides thought-provoking material as he continues to explore the nature of the universe and the field of awareness that connects us all.”
Alice R. Berntson, New Connexion, Sep/Oct 2009
“… Laszlo remains an intriguing and inspiring ambassador from the domain of Akashic advenutreland.”
The Scientific & Medical Network, UK, December 2010
“The Akashic Experience is a collection of essays by twenty noted cultural and scientific leaders, each describing their experiences with what the book terms Akashic Field – a cosmic memory field that contains all information, past, present and future. . . The authors note the increasing frequency and intensity with which experiences with the Akashic Field are being reported, and which are forming part of the large-scale spiritual resurgence and evolution in human consciousness taking place today.”
The Beacon, July 2011
Latest Publications
The Great Upshift – Humanity’s Coming Advance Toward Peace and Harmony on the Planet
This vital book leads us beyond today’s crisis – and conflict-prone world to a higher stage of our evolution.
The Survival Imperative: Upshifting to Conscious Evolution
Ervin Laszlo’s newest book The Survival Imperative is a guide to returning peace and harmony to the planet.
The New Paradigm in Cosmology – The Book
The New Paradigm in Cosmology – New eBook Release by the Laszlo Institute and the AITIA Institute! This book compiled and edited by Richard Blum is based on the second Online Global Symposium of The New Paradigm Symposia Series sponsored by the AITIA Institute and the Laszlo Institute of New Paradigm Research.